Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Reunited by Chance-- Papa's mother and her sister has digitized local papers from around the country and offers the encouragement that even ordinary people get their names in the paper.  Yes, indeed, even our Lawders.  Here's the first item of interest, this from the Marion (Ohio) Daily Star, May 4, 1914, on the front page, bottom right corner:

Reunited by Chance

Chicago, May 4----- After living for ten years within three blocks of each other, Mrs. Alice Lawder and Mary C. Dawes, sisters, were reunited by a newspaper story telling of the former's son, missing in Mexico. The women had not seen each other for fifteen years.

[End of article]

Alice L. is Papa's mother, whom Don Jr., Wally and Nancy knew well as children, and Mary is "Mamie" Dawes, Alice's half sister.  The missing son, I'm assuming, is Charles Vernon Lawder, Papa's half brother (Alice's son by her 1st marriage).   There is a tantalizing small b&w photo in our collection of a man in his 30s, his arm around a woman holding a toddler in a tropical setting.  On the back, in old handwriting is "Charles Vernon Lawder and family in Mexico City.  Please return [the photo] to Mrs. Alice Lawder, Clark Street, Chicago, Ill."   So now we have to find the newspaper story reporting his missing status or some other clue.  Nancy knew vaguely that Papa had a brother, but not much more had been remembered or shared. Alice Van Houten Lawder's first husband's last name was Van Lumbard and she was widowed when she married Paul Lawder in 1888.  Alice and Alonzo Van Lumbard had two children Mary C (later 'Mamie' Dawes) and Charles Vernon Lumbard. Both changed their last names to 'Lawder' after their mother's marriage to Paul.


Nina said...

Wait, the two sisters lived three blocks away from each other for a DECADE and didn't know it?!?! And we have a family member who went missing in MEXICO?!?! Is this our family history or a telenovela?!?!

At 97 Gray said...

Could be both!