Thursday, November 4, 2010

What They Wore

My dear daughter----
As sentimentality is one of the virtues--at least I term it thus--that the greater part of mankind possess and I know that my girl is in possession of this “virtue” I have here collected a few reminiscences from time passed, which have belonged to Mamma--Olga and Lulu, whose departure from the earth state, is well nigh forgotten and as I am growing old--and I fear after my death these things will be ignored, I have arranged them--as you see--in such a manner that they can easily be preserved, and I am certain that your children and grandchildren will find them more interesting as the years roll on, and you can continue to add articles to the treasure box, as you may see fit.  --I will also send  you the Daguerreotypes of Mamma & Pappa--some of whose letters, written to me from Memphis, two months before leaving the form of dust, & I will also send you.  You know, dear, that by rights they belong to Viggo, and shall give him the balance--3 or 4-- but if Florence or Ellinor would copy them, they are welcome to--and you certainly ought to have them all. I intended to also send you some of your own dear father’s letters, written from Missouri, during the time your Howard was born--but I began to glance over them just now, and became so interested that I concluded Pa & I read them together before you get them.  --The silhouette is a “Brenta” but I dare not say whether it is of my  mother’s brother --or her mother’s brother.  With love you and yours and many good wishes for a merry Christmas, both from Pappa and myself--not forgetting Mrs. Henriksen--I am, darling, your loving Mother----Emily Olsen

Note from Jaymie: The above is the transcribed introduction in the hand-stitched paper book of fabric swatches that Emily Olsen gave to her oldest child, daughter Anna Olsen Grund ("Aunt Arna" to Nancy, Wally and Don).  The book was made before 1906 when Emily was in her 70s.  The photos above show swatches of dress fabrics sewn into this paper book of "reminiscences" by Emily Olsen.  The swatches are from dresses, collars, wrappers, polonaises, worn by family no longer living:  her mother Anna Miller, her daughters who died young, Lulu and Olga.


Anonymous said...

I guess I don't know how to leave a comment. Yesterday I commented without problem. Tonight, I wrote an entire page about Emily Olsen only to find it didn't go through. It is late, I'll rewrite it again...tomorrow.

At 97 Gray said...

Please do, Susan! This one came through.... Maybe write it in word then copy and paste onto comment form for safe-keeping.